Let’s Start Again ðŸ˜€

Part of deciding I want a blog means having to find something to do out say with it. I was doing well with this (until stalling) with photos of painted models, resources I had made for Judgement, and briefly when I was writing up and posting narrative writeups of D&D sessions.

Since then, things have changed a bunch, and also I moved hosting to WordPress directly which migrated across most things but not all of it. Mainly things that didn’t migrate were the photos I had uploaded 🙄 super helpful.

I will clear up a lot of the old articles and remove them rather than try to dig up the images from somewhere and fix.

So this is a new start. After clearing things out, I plan to start again with a new painted model gallery, and provide content that I am creating for myself (Warmachine or Steamroller cheat sheets at the moment), as well as game write ups or whatever when I feel it’s worth it (Partly inspired by the fantastic writeups from Jamie P following the Welsh).

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